The reverb...
That guy down there was kind of right. The kick, especially, is very muddled from overapplication of reverb. The snare (e-snare I think) in the beginning half of the song sounds GREAT, very crisp, clean, and puts out a good beat. The melody is good, but again, EVERYTHING sounds reverb'd. I had a huge problem with overapplication of reverb in the beginning of my audio career because it made my song sound "big" and "open", but if you scale back the effect to only a few instruments or a less extreme level overall it'll sound a lot better. As painful as it is, the best songs are made through moderation.
Only boost and cut EQ by a few dB unless you're gonna be cutting all the way, only apply reverb lightly to most instruments, adjust all the velocities of hits slightly, stuff like that really takes time but makes a great song. This has a lot of potential but I can't hear it through all the reverb! Vote rounded up to 4 :)