Review time! Gonna be short :(
My lack of time forces me to shave a few minutes off your review time, but I suppose I'll give ya what I got.
First up, this is one of my favorite songs of yours, right up there with the PotC remix.
The way you have some string-like intrustments (whether they are actually strings or electronic, I cannot quite tell; perhaps they are both? ><) in the beginning leads into the song very well, giving it a fast intro, sucking the listener in rapidly, and making him want to know what comes next. It does what an intro does, and sounds good doing it. 3/3
At around 44 seconds the song transfers into the "body", or your main bit. Basically it combines an element of the intro (those crazy strings) with some extremely rapid techno up top, and a pretty pounding bass below. Very well put together. But the kicker is yet to come, the ear-shattering melody swaps temporarily at 1:40 to something that sounds EXTREMELY pirate-like, and still high pitched like the rest of the song's melody. This break-up in the theme makes the length bearable, and not repetetive. At the very end of your body you smack back into the main melody from before (the break being rather long, which is nice), resulting in continuity. 3/3
It's basically just a fade-out, but this is the kind of song that needs a fade-out. 2/2
The final two points are how much I think the song kicks ass and melts a person's face off if you play it at max volume. Personally, I'll give this the max points because the song just sounds plain awesome. 2/2
Total: 10/10. This song really is amazing, one of your best. 5/5 for the vote.