None of my blams seem to be working. Any votes that were supposed to accrue me blam points have failed to do so, or are taking an obscenely long time (after around 15 successful blams I only have two blam points...). If you know why this might be, please get in on the helping in my thread in the forum's "where/how to" section.
Update - I am recording future blams for the period of about a week. So, after that time, I should have evidence one way or the other.
1) Make sure you are voting on submissions that are "under judgment" in the portal.
2) Make sure the voting animation is completely finished. You know it is because it will say above the voting area "you gave this submission a vote of "_"."
3) Make sure your account is logged in.
4) Make sure the submissions are actually deleted. Write down the name of a few animations that you think will be blammed and a part of their description to keep track. Check the graveyard to make sure they are deleted.
5)Make sure you have the latest version of java and flash player.
If you are POSITIVE more then one submission you blammed [voted 0-1 on] were sent to the graveyard and you haven't received any BP's then you must pm Wade Fulp. liljim is also usually very helpful. If you followed the above steps and are still having difficulty then their is most likely a serious problem with your account and an administrator needs to be notified. No one can help you further then the advice i am giving. You will find all of the administrators information and where to pm them at the link below.
<a href=""></a>
Bah, figured as much. I'm sure I'm doing the process correctly, I'll just copy down some of the submissions that get sent the graveyard, I suppose, and go from there.